- Quick and Easy Notes: Practical Strategies for Busy Teachers (NAEYC Webpage)
- Documenting Children’s Learning (Video- Center for Early Childhood Education at Eastern Connecticut State University)
- Look! See How They are Learning (Article)
Formative Assessment
- Anecdotal Records: Valuable Tools for Assessing Young Children’s Development (PDF- ResearchGate -Dimensions Of Early Childhood)
- Teaching Preschoolers to Self-Assess Their Choices in Pre-K PDF-(Journal of Educational Research and Practice)
- Beyond Outcomes: How Ongoing Assessment Supports Children’s Learning and Leads to Meaningful Curriculum (PDF-OER Commons)
- The Power of Portfolios (Article)
- Observing Young Children– (Video-Center for Early Childhood Education at Eastern Connecticut State University)
- Early Childhood Assessment (Webpage-Massachusetts Department of Early Education)
- Anecdotal records: Valuable tools for assessing young children’s development PDF- ResearchGate -Dimensions Of Early Childhood)
- Collecting And Using Anecdotal Records (Video)
- Using Child Assessment Data to Achieve Positive Outcomes (Video Results Matter, Colorado Department of Education).
- Authentic Assessment in the Classroom and the Library Media Center (Article)